MyTime 2 Hex - Twitch Chat Hex Strategy Game


MyTime 2 Hex - Twitch chat hex strategy game, cooperative up to 4 players vs The Streamer.

Why it started

I wanted to make and play a turn based strategy on hexagons. I’ve tried to code a hex system before but only got so far functionality wise. This time around I was confident I could make a hex game and tie twitch chat gameplay into it.

What I learnt

I used enumerators and data structures from the beginning, learning how to properly utilize them along the way.
It was my first time tackling a lobby system for a number of waiting players, custom chat to include viewers in the stream,
a hex grid system and a turn system to handle the game state.

How it works

While game is connected live to the viewers wanting to play, they each type ‘!join’ adding them to the lobby,
when the game is wanting lobbied players to join, the top 4 will be asked to type ‘!ready’
AFK players that fail to reply with ready will be placed on top of the lobby waiting for next game.
The amount of players still needed determine how many remaining lobbied players are asked to type !ready in chat,
this process repeats until the game-player-list is full (4) or lobby-player-list is out of viewers to ask. Player’s controls a Catbox of their chosen colour that can move, jump, collect and throw shurikoins, on a hexagonal grid, taken turns one by one until all Octaminions have been squished or terminated.

Where next?

The octaminions currently need controls and action states, allowing them to fight back the players.

If I did it again?

I would focus longer on bringing functionality and usability to the hex grid data management system.