
Twitch Chat Hex Strategy Game

MyTime 2 Hex is a cooperative turn-based game on hexagons.
Played via twitch chat with commands like !jump

3D Platformer for Windows

MyTime - A Spectacle in Time the 3D adventures of Catbox & Ollie. My First publically released game.

Ludum Dare 46 - Game Jam

Lifeline - Music Generation Obstacle Dodge was made within 48 hours based on the theme "Keep it alive".

Paint Tool - Tutorial

Gamemaker Studio step by step tutorial on making your own paint tool explained in a 10 minute video with accompanying files.

Toebean Slots - Stream Game

Twitch currency game themed around my cats and their toebeans as the currency for Mika's streaming channel.

Mobile Space Shooter

Helios to Hades was my first attempt at making a mobile game for android devices.

Android Content Viewer

General purpose content viewer for Titles, Text, Images, Audio and Folder navigation for android.

HTML5 Tree generator

Procedurally generated trees running in a HTML5 web application.


I've made a list of software and resources I use,
including some free tools & assets for your projects.


From programming to testing your software for bugs, I offer a wide range of services. Contact me for a quote.